The 2nd World Congress on Olfaction and Issues: Science, Marketing and Perspectives has been hosted by Politecnico di Milano in Italy on 23-24 May 2016.
Distinguished speakers were invited to present and share their views about the future of olfaction in marketing and other relevant fields.
The first part of the congress was dedicated to recent scientific advances and perspectives, and focused on the sense of smell in health and disease, and on odors used in product design to elicit emotional experiences.
A following session was focused on olfaction and marketing, where issues concerning the use of smell in marketing toward personalized emotional perspective were thoroughly discussed.
Industrials views about olfactory technology and applications of smell were provided by two companies: the American Sensonics International and the Italian Oikos Fragrances. The two companies presented their view about future development in the field of olfaction technologies, and provided demonstrations of their technologies. In particular, Sensonics demonstrated technology for testing olfaction; Oikos described their solid fragrance release technology for olfactory applications.
The event has also hosted demonstrations of applications developed using novel olfactory technologies, and posters of work in progress mainly presented by PhD students.
During this conference, several awards were discerned:
Scientific contribution award:
He gaves a talk about Odors affect aversion to losses during decision making. |
Demonstration contribution award:
Dr. Mario Covarrubias from Politecnico di Milano, Italy was awarded for his demonstration intitled “Visual-olfactory interaction with virtual objects”. More information about the demonstrations by clicking here. |
Poster Presentation award:
Dr. Carla Masala was awarded for her poster presentation entitled “Olfactory dysfunction as potential biomarker in neurodegenerative disorders” .
Industrial Contribution award:
Sensonics company, managed by Dr Richard Doty was awarded for their contribution in Olfaction & Issues in the industrial field.
The event has been accompanied by Oikos fragrances that have been diffused in the congress room during the sessions to create emotional situations and elicit lasting memories in the participants. Floreale, Agrumato, Legno and Spezie fragrances have been used as olfactory logos of the event.
The event has been a great success and the participants have enjoyed the presentations and discussions, and have had the opportunity to share views and experiences from different perspectives.
We look forward meeting you for the next edition of Olfaction & Issues Congress.
You can find here some pictures of this three-days congress.
Monica Bordegoni
Politecnico di Milano