Ricoh’s Demonstration Won the DOS Best Demonstration Award 2022

Katsuya Ujimoto, Ricoh Company, Ltd., Japan demonstrated the first of a kind “Kouawase(香合せ) with Real Time Spectrometry”.
This winning incense demonstration allows the digitalization of the gas composition of your favorite scent as a 3D spectrum image.
Dr. Ujimoto and the team updated the Digital Olfaction Society that Ricoh aims to build digital services that convert gases and odors into data in real time to meet the demands of many different workplaces.
Dr. Ujimoto stated that: “Ricoh will combine the new technology with 360-degree image and voice recognition technology to digitize the information perceived by all five senses, thus delivering unique value to homes and workplaces.”
The Scientific Committee congratulates Ricoh and looks forward to sharing their latest innovations for the year 2023.
Watch the Full Conference Replay & Get Abstract Book.
Ricoh’s Demonstration
Digital Olfaction 2022 Annual Meeting
November 29-30, 2022 – Tokyo, Japan & Online