Scientific Award 2022: Scent Technologies at the Turn of the Century

The best scientific award was discerned to Simon Niedenthal, Malmö University (Sweden) & Jas Brooks, University of Chicago (USA) for their exceptional presentation on “Scent Technologies at the Turn of the Century: Initial Histories and Findings”
Dr. Niedenthal’s and Brook’s “Scent Tech Histories” project will continue with further interviews and media archaeology focused upon companies engaged in digital olfaction technologies from the turn of the 21stcentury.
Dr. Niedenthal stated “We aim to integrate our findings with a broader consideration of scented media technologies, seeking venues for discussion and elaboration in print and exhibition contexts.”
According to Dr. Niedenthal, the Digital Olfaction Society Congress is an important biannual gathering of researchers and designers who are exploring the current landscape of olfactory sensing (“electronic noses”), olfactory output (“olfactory displays”) and olfactory science. Scientific presentations are complemented by demonstrations of cutting-edge digital olfaction technologies from industry and university research labs.
The Digital Olfaction Society’s scientific committee congratulates Dr. Niedenthal and Mr. Brooks for their inspiring “Scent Tech Histories” project that aims to document and analyze the scent technologies and media produced in the 20th and 21st centuries alongside their cultural context.
DOS 2022 full presentation and 2 day talks/ demonstrations are available on demand.
Watch the Best Scientific Contribution 2022
Digital Olfaction 2022 Annual Meeting
November 29-30, 2022 – Tokyo, Japan & Online